Wednesday 27 November 2013

Digital Illustration

Here is my first final digital illustration. Before getting to this stage i had to produced a number of illustrations, pick 2 then develop them until i found my final outcome which i then had to digitally produce.

Here i produced my first chosen illustration that had to closely relate to my artist of influence who was Jasper Goodall. The tools i used to create my illustration was the shape tool, this helped me create most of the things displayed in my illustration. I also used the letter tool to create the arms. The letter i used was 'C'. To get the full effect of my artist of influence all i really did was match up some of the colours used in his piece such as the pink, black and grey with the plain white background. I feel it looks quite plain but really has good creativity which will look great in my final poster design.

Here is my second chosen illustration i digitally designed in illustrator that closely related to Peter Saville. The tools i used for this illustration was the shape tool. I used a range of shapes to create an accurate looking tape that will be used in my final poster. To match my artist of influence i simply took my illustration and added the bold yellow and black colour that Peter Saville used a lot in most of his designs that i see on the internet and also the chosen image i chose to recreate. I feel that my illustration is effective as it relates well with the 80's and also stands out with my artist of influences colours.

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