Wednesday 27 November 2013

Keith Haring

Keith Haring
Keith Haring was born on May 4, 1958 in Reading, Pennsylvania, and was raised in nearby Kutztown, Pennsylvania. He developed a love for drawing at a very early age, learning basic cartooning skills from his father and from the popular culture around him, such as Dr. Seuss and Walt Disney.
Here is one piece of work created by Keith Haring. This piece of work has a lot going on. The little monkeys scattered on the page makes you look straight away as it looks interesting because of all the different things going on. The colours used in this piece are very bright which really makes this piece look attractive. Also the colours used reminds me of the topic we are focusing on which is the 80’s because of the sharp glow coming from all the colours which sets an exciting mood. This piece looks as though it has been drawn up and then scanned into some sort of software and then made the lines thicker and added powerful colour which i feel makes everything look bold and eye-catching which creates an interesting cartoon effect.
I really like these glowing colours and bold lines as these aspects could be transformed into something that could later be used in my design which would help it to stand out.
Here is a second piece of work created by Keith Haring. This piece of work also has a lot going on but its less easy to pick out whats really going on. This helps draw maximum attention as i was looking for a while figuring out all the little designs in this piece. The red background colour used in this piece looks really warm and bright which sets a great mood when looking at it. Its also eye-cathing which is great as it helps draw attention. The bold lines help the designs to look more attractive and also make it clear however it does make this piece look quite cluttered but this does have an advantage as it makes this piece look unique, creative and also interesting. 
These colours are both colours that were used in the 80's so i could consider this when it comes to my deisgn stage as they stand out and set a great mood.

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